NoHo CARE Login

NoHo CARE Online User Guide

NoHo CARE Login

The NoHo CARE system is a web based application. You will be given a web address to access the login page. You will need to use an internet browser (such as Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Firefox) to access the database.

To login to CARE:

  1. Go to the designated web address to access the login page.

  2. Once at the login page, enter your login and password. 
    Note: If you forgot your password, contact the CARE Administrator at your agency. NoHo Software support staff cannot retrieve password information.

  3. Click the Login button

  4. Once you login, you will be taken to the CARE Dashboard

Next: CARE Dashboard

Additional Information:

  • The login page includes a link to the NoHo Software website and contact information for the NoHo Software support staff.

  • A user can only be logged into one session at a time. If a user attempts to login in a new browser session on the same computer or at another computer, the first session will be disconnected.

Applicable Setup and System Options

  • There is a "Require strong passwords" system option (on the Validation Page of System Options). When this option is enabled, users will be required to use more complex passwords.  A "strong" password must consist of a minimum of 6 characters and characters from 3 of the 4 following categories:
    • English uppercase characters (A-Z)
    • English lower case characters (a-z)
    • Number (0-9)
    • Non-alphanumeric (examples: !, $, #, or %) 

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Copyright ©1995. David Grant, Inc. All rights reserved. All NoHo software and related products, including the NoHo Care Online User Guide, are the sole property of David Grant, Inc. (”DGI”), and may not be used by, distributed to, or shared with any person(s) or entity(s) that are not currently licensed users.