Attendance Sheet Report

NoHo CARE Online User Guide

Attendance Sheet Report

NoHo CARE includes the option of printing attendance sheets with pre-filled information (child name, schedule, etc.) and designated areas for the required parent and provider signatures. Also, most formats have a section where an absence reason can be indicated.

When printing attendance sheets, there are many filters available, allowing you to print attendance sheets by date range, division, provider/center, child, family, schedule, program, specialist, and much more.

There are many benefits to using attendance sheets printed from CARE. The benefits include:

  • Attendance sheets will only be printed for children enrolled during the specified time period.

  • Many formats include helpful information pre-printed on the attendance sheet, such as child name, child age, enrollment schedule, provider/center name, classroom, parent name(s), parent contact information, etc.

  • Some formats have non-enrolled days shaded, so it is clear which days the child is scheduled to attend.

  • For provider payment programs (APP, CalWORKs, etc), if you have the provider's collect the family fees, there are some attendance sheet formats that will print the fee amount on the attendance sheet.

  • If you use an attendance sheet printed from CARE, you can take advantage of the Attendance Sheet Status functionality in CARE.

To View the Attendance Sheets:

  1. Open the Attendance Sheet Report by going to Reports > Attendance Sheets on the Main Menu.

  2. The Attendance Sheet Report criteria form will be displayed:
    Note: While the majority of the attendance sheet formats use this criteria form, there are some formats have smaller criteria forms with less filters.

  3. Modify the date range if needed.

  4. Enter the filter criteria to indicate which attendance sheets should be printed. There are many filters available that allow you to filter by provider/center, classroom, child, family, schedule, program, specialist, and much more.

  5. Select any applicable options. See below for more information about some of the available options.

  6. Click the Display Report button. You will have the option to print or save a copy to your computer.

Notes about some of the filters and options available:



Provider APID FilterCan be used to filter by the provider Accounts Payable ID, entered on the Provider Form: General Page.
Note: This filter will do a "like" comparison, meaning that if you enter "123", only providers with "123" as the APID will be returned.  If you enter "123%", all providers with APIDs starting with "123" will be returned.
Multiple Sites FilterSelect "Yes," "No," or "All."  When "Yes" is selected, only providers with a "Multiple Site" status entered on the Provider Form: Status Entry Page and effective as of the current date will be included. When "No" is selected, only providers without the "Multiple Site" status effective as of the current date will be included. When "All" is selected, all providers, regardless of status will be included.
Note: For proper functionality, a “Multiple Sites” provider status entry with a code of “98” must be entered in the Provider Status Setup Form.
Variable Filter

Select "Yes," "No," or "All."  When "Yes" is selected, only attendance sheets for variable schedules will be included.  When "No" is selected, only attendance sheets for set schedules (non-variable) will be included.  When "All" is selected, all schedules will be included. 

Note: this option is not available for the “Daily by Classroom” and the “Community Connections for Children” attendance sheet formats.

Program Group FilterCan be used to filter attendance sheet printing by program group.
Note: When the “CCRC- Daily Signature” or “CCRC- Monthly Signature" attendance sheet formats are selected on the System Options- Misc Format Page, a program group selection is required for this filter. The program group selected will determine the attendance sheet format used (based on the format selected in the Program Group Setup Form).
Generate ID/status entry OptionThis option will be checked by default. When checked, attendance sheet IDs and status entries will be generated when previewing the report. If unchecked, IDs and status entries will not be generated.
Note: there is a security object that controls access to this check box.
Reprint Check Box and ID Range

When selected, you will need to enter start and stop attendance sheet IDs to reprint previously printed attendance sheets.


  •  When attendance sheets are reprinted, a new "Reprint" attendance sheet status entry will be created in the Attendance Sheet Status Page. For proper functionality, an Attendance Sheet Status entry with a code of "98" must be created in the Attendance Sheet Status Setup Form.  

  • When reprinting attendance sheets, the PPR ID and barcode used for the previous printing will be re-used. Therefore, when reprinting PPRs, the same PPR ID and barcode will be used for all schedules with a schedule ID and service month matching an entry in the Attendance Sheet Status history table.

  • There is a security object that controls access to the "Reprint" check box.
Agency Name Display Option

Your selection here determines the agency name, address, and other information that will be displayed on the printed attendance sheets. There are two choices:

  • "Based on Family Specialist"- When this option is selected, the agency information will be displayed based on the agency that the family's primary specialist is assigned to.

  • "Agency selection"- You will need to choose from the list of agencies. 

Note: There is a custom property that allows CARE Administrators to set a default and/or lock the field. 

Print Slip Sheet Option

Not available for all formats.

When checked, a slip sheet (with just the provider’s address) will be printed. This can be used to separate attendance sheets by provider and put them in a window envelope for mailing.

Print Data Only Option

Available for Calendar format attendance sheet only.
When checked, only the attendance sheet data will be printed.

Print Blank Option

Not applicable for all formats.
When checked, a blank attendance sheet will be printed.

Paperless Providers FilterSelect between "Yes," "No," or "All" to filter based on whether or not the Paperless box is checked on the Provider Form: Characteristics Page. This filter works in conjunction with our  Provider Portal Software.

Include Previously Printed Attendance Sheets Option

When checked, previously printed attendance sheets will be included.

Sort By Option

Can be used to choose the sort order for attendance sheet printing.

Count By Provider ButtonCan be used to get a list of providers with more than a specified number of attendance sheets. When the button is clicked, users will be prompted to enter the threshold number. When a number is entered, a list of providers with that number or more attendance sheets will be returned. Upon closing the report, users will be prompted to print the attendance sheets for all of the providers listed in the report.

Additional Information

  • There are over 50 different attendance sheet formats available for your use. Our staff can provide samples of the formats available if needed. If you would like to have a new custom format added, please contact our support staff so we can discuss your needs and prepare a proposal detailing the changes that will be made and the cost for the enhancement.

  • Many formats are designed as one child and one month per page, however there are a few options available that are one classroom and one day per page. Your agency should choose an attendance sheet format that matches your method of attendance entry (daily by classroom or monthly by child).

  • The Attendance Sheet Report criteria form will vary depending on the format of time sheet selected.

  • Once the attendance sheet has been printed, the schedule will be assigned an Invoice Issue Date. This date will be the date that the attendance sheet was generated. The Issue Date and the month and year of service will be displayed on the Schedule Form: Invoice Page

  • You can also print an individual attendance sheet directly on the Schedule Form by choosing Attendance Sheet from the Schedule Reports Menu 

  • Some attendance sheet formats display a CDE family fee. Note: for those that display a family fee, the fees will only be displayed on the attendance sheet for the billing child in the family. Fees will not be displayed on any of the attendance sheets for the siblings.

  • Attendance sheets with barcodes and IDs allow you to easily use the Attendance Sheet Status Tracking feature in CARE. 

  • Some attendance sheet formats will display a light gray shading in the sign in and sign out section for days that are holidays and provider non-operational days to indicate that care is not scheduled for that day.

  • The "Tulare" format attendance sheet includes a Spanish version.

  • The "FRRC" format attendance sheet includes the option to export the report.

Applicable Setup and System Options

  • CARE Administrators can choose the format to be used for the Attendance Sheet Report on the Misc Format Page of System Options.

  • There is a "Due date is __ calendar/business days after the end of the attendance period" system option on the Misc Format Page of System Options allowing CARE Administrators to set the default due date to be displayed on attendance sheets. Note: not all attendance sheet formats include a due date.

  • There is a "Reuse existing Attendance Sheet IDs" system option on the Misc Format Page of System Options. When enabled and an attendance sheet that was already printed is being printed again, CARE will reuse the original attendance sheet ID.

  • There are "TS Family Print Address" and "TS Provider Print Address" system options on the Misc Format Page of System Options allowing CARE Administrators to set the default address to be used on the attendance sheets.

  • A security object is available to control a user's ability to use the "Reprint" option. 

  • A security object is available to control a user's ability to use the "Generate ID/status entry" option. 

  • CARE Administrators can use Custom Properties to set properties (hide, lock, require entry, set default value, etc) for the Agency, Based on Family Specialist, and Print Slip Sheet fields.

For agencies using the NoHo Provider Portal

  • Once an attendance sheet is generated in CARE, providers will have the ability to print their attendance sheets from the Provider Portal.

  • When attendance sheets are generated in CARE, to automatically add an “Available in Portal” Attendance Sheet Status for “paperless” attendance sheets, an "Available in Portal” entry with a code of 94 must be entered in the Attendance Sheet Status Setup Form.

  • To automatically add a "Printed from Portal” Attendance Sheet Status for attendance sheets when a provider prints the attendance sheet from the Provider Portal, a "Printed from Portal” entry with a code of 95 must be entered in the Attendance Sheet Status Setup Form.

  • Administrators can restrict providers from printing attendance sheets from the Provider Portal for previous months. To do this, go to the System Options- Validation Page in NoHo CARE. In the “Other Validation” section, enter a date in the “Disable Attendance Sheet and PPR printing from Provider Portal on or before service date of ____”.  

  • If the program for a child/schedule was changed after the attendance sheet was generated in CARE, another attendance sheet needs to be generated in CARE for the provider to be able to print it from the Provider Portal under the correct program. 

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